Simplify Blog


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Tips and resources directly from our team of counselors and coaches to simplify your life.

Stephanie Douglas Stephanie Douglas

Considering Therapy?

You’re feeling like you want to make changes in your life. Perhaps a loved one, a colleague or even your children said your behavior and emotions are showing up different than in the past. Finally, you decide it’s time for therapy. As you start checking into it, you see everything from large companies to boutique services but have no idea what’s best for you.

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Sarah Durrance Sarah Durrance

Helping a spouse with clinical depression or anxiety

When your spouse or partner is struggling with anxiety or depression, it can be really difficult to know how to help. You want to encourage them and help out in ways you can, but you also know that you cannot fix everything. You may also be struggling yourself with feeling like you’ve “lost” the person you love. You’re not alone in this situation - let’s talk about it!

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Guest User Guest User

Use These Tips To Overcome Imposter Syndrome for Good

If you’re like many people, you may frequently experience moments of self-doubt, questioning whether your abilities genuinely merit the successes you've achieved. This persistent uncertainty, recognized as imposter syndrome, acts as a formidable obstacle, preventing you from fully acknowledging and embracing your capabilities and achievements. Nevertheless, by employing specific, well-crafted strategies, you can effectively combat these undermining feelings, allowing you to confidently recognize and own your accomplishments. This article, courtesy of Simplify Life Atlanta, will lay out several tips you can use to overcome those feelings and move ahead.

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Andy Batcheller Andy Batcheller

Emotional Fitness

We all have emotions, whether we choose to acknowledge them or not, and often we respond in unhealthy ways which can negatively affect our daily lives. Our emotions also affect others, and others’ emotions affect us. So, what is the key to emotional health that leads to personal stability, satisfaction and thriving relationships?

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Carolyn Amayo Carolyn Amayo

The Stress-Sleep Connection

Ensuring our children get enough sleep is crucial for their overall well-being. As parents, we often underestimate the impact sleep has on our kids' lives. From behavioral issues to academic performance and even sports achievements, sleep plays a significant role in every aspect of their development. Let's dive into the sleep-stress connection and explore how we can help our children achieve better sleep for a brighter future.

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Guest User Guest User

5 Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms and 5 Alternatives to Use Instead

Navigating life can be difficult. It is my hope that I am able to provide you with some alternative healthy coping skills to counteract some common unhealthy coping mechanisms. I hope you join me with a nice cup of coffee, get comfortable, and are ready to find some healthy coping skills that will work for you!

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