Must-Read Books for Every Enneagram Type to Start 2023
Simplify Life counselors share their book recommendations for each enneagram type (even you enneagram 5’s who doubt your type - *wink).
Yes, each and every person is unique but the root of enneagram typing helps us identify some of our core desires and tendencies we struggle with. Not to say growth for each enneagram type isn’t broad, but the book recommendations below pair each type with a tool to help them continue their journey of growth.
If you don’t know enneagram types, the enneagram is one way to learn about our differences in strengths and weaknesses through a personality assessment. Tools like the Enneagram, Myers Briggs, Strengths Finder or others can help us identify our strengths, personalities, and areas of growth that we could focus on.
So, are you ready to grow?
Scroll below to find the book our counseling team would most recommend based on your enneagram type.
Click your enneagram type and see your next great read toward a healthier you.
The Reformer - Type 1
The Helper - Type 2
The Achiever - Type 3
The Individualist - Type 4
The Investigator - Type 5
The Loyalist - Type 6
The Enthusiast - Type 7
The Challenge - Type 8
The Peacemaker - Type 9
A Good Place to Start for Everyone.
Each of these books is a great way to begin your personal journey to reaching your goals emotionally, relationally, and in your health, the value of someone to walk alongside you.
Do you agree with the book we recommended for your enneagram type? There are endless more recommendations we have for balancing life, parenting, anxiety or other obstacles you feel are keeping you from your goals.
We love helping create plans to help you live a life you love. Sometimes it’s as easy as a book recommendation, and sometimes it’s through more - relational counseling. At Simplify Life we work with you to focus on and build upon your strengths to equip you for your future.
Now, get reading and continue to pursue a healthier you.