Simplify Blog


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Hannah Rinehart Hannah Rinehart

CBT Techniques You Can Start Using Today to Improve Your Mental Health in 2025

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is widely recognized as one of the most effective treatments for anxiety and various mental health challenges. Developed by Dr. Aaron Beck in the 1960s, CBT has been extensively researched and proven to help individuals identify and change negative thought patterns, promoting healthier mental and emotional responses. As we step into 2025, using CBT techniques for mental health improvement can help you navigate daily stressors and anxiety while enhancing your overall well-being.

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Allie Raymond Allie Raymond

CBT for Children: Helping Young Minds Cope with Stress and Emotions

As children grow and develop, it's natural for them to face various challenges. However, when those struggles interfere with their happiness, social skills, or academic performance, it can concerning for parents and caregivers. Fortunately, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) offers a proven and effective solution to help children navigate the complexities of their emotions, thoughts, and behaviors.

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Dr. Emily Ferrara Dr. Emily Ferrara

Why Self-Compassion Is Essential When Reflecting on the Year

Why Self-Compassion Is Essential When Reflecting on the Year

1. Self-Compassion Reduces Anxiety and Depression

Dr. Kristin Neff, a pioneering researcher in self-compassion, found that individuals who practice self-compassion experience lower levels of anxiety and depression. When we criticize ourselves for unmet goals or mistakes, it activates the brain's threat system, increasing cortisol and stress. Conversely, self-compassion activates the brain’s caregiving system, releasing oxytocin and calming the nervous system.

Instead of asking, “Why didn’t I do better?” try asking, “How can I show kindness to myself as I learn from this experience?” This shift reduces shame and promotes healing.

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Favorite Tyler Drouet Favorite Tyler Drouet

Tantrum Tamers: Proven Techniques to Help Calm Your Child this Holiday Season and Beyond

No parent is a stranger to the dreaded tantrum. While tantrums are developmentally normal as children explore their independence and learn to express their emotions, they can be particularly challenging during the busy and overstimulating holiday season. From travel and family gatherings to the excitement (and occasional overwhelm) of the holidays, tantrums can feel more intense and frequent during this time of year.

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Favorite Brooke Bourne Lawrence Favorite Brooke Bourne Lawrence

How to Set Healthy Boundaries During the Holidays and Reclaim Your Peace

The holidays are here — the streets are glowing with lights, invitations to parties are piling up, and family gatherings are in full swing. It’s supposed to be a season of joy, yet for many, the holidays feel like an overwhelming blur of obligations. With routines disrupted and expectations running high, it’s easy to let boundaries slip and find yourself overcommitted and exhausted.

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Mary Hathaway Mary Hathaway

Understanding Attachment Styles: How They Shape Our Relationships

Have you ever wondered why some people seem perfectly comfortable with closeness and intimacy in relationships, while others struggle to open up or tend to push others away? The answer may lie in something called attachment styles. As a counselor, I often see how these unconscious patterns, which form in childhood, can show up in adult relationships—especially in dating.

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Dr. Emily Ferrara Dr. Emily Ferrara

Holiday Wishes from Simplify Life Counseling & Coaching

As we reflect on this past year, we are deeply grateful for the opportunity to serve this wonderful community. Your trust in us has been a privilege, and we look forward to continuing to support you and your loved ones in the year ahead.

We know the holiday season can bring joy but also stress and overwhelm. To help you navigate this season with greater ease and mindfulness, we've included two simple exercises that many of our clients find helpful. These practices are designed to promote relaxation, reduce stress, and bring you back to the present moment. Feel free to use these and share with others. We've also added our top Christmas movies that put the FUN in Dysfucntional :) Along with a fun spotify playlist.

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