Family Conversation Questions
Family conversations can be a fun way to connect and bond as a family. Use this set of thought-provoking family conversation questions starters to encourage connection and spark interesting conversation with your kids.
Take turns choosing and answering questions and enjoy getting to know more about one another!
(Optional: print, cut, and draw questions to add more of a game-like feel)
What are you excited about right now?
What is something you can celebrate about each of the people playing this game?
Where did you see God answer prayers recently?
What is the most surprising thing that happened to you in the past month?
What is something that you can give away?
What is a goal you have for the new year?
What are you most proud of yourself for this year?
What are 3 of the biggest blessings you’ve seen or received recently?
Describe someone else in the game in 3 words and let everyone else guess who it is.
What is something you’ve learned this year?
What is a new food you’d like to try in this season?
What is your biggest accomplishment this year so far? Your biggest disappointment?
What is something you’d like to spend more time on this year? Less time on?
If you could only keep 3 memories from the past year what would they be?
If you could forget a memory from the past year what would it be?
If you could share something from the past year (experience, feeling, gift, etc) with someone else, what would it be and why? Who would you share this with?
What one word or phrase best sums up this year?