Simplify Blog
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Tips and resources directly from our team of counselors and coaches to simplify your life.
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What is Spiritual Direction?
“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to Me. Get away with Me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with Me and work with Me - watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with Me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.” Mathew 11:28-30 MSG
Meet Our Associates: Elizabeth Elsbury & Carolyn Amayo
Elizabeth and Carolyn are joining the Simplify Life team as our new associates. We are so excited for them to share their gift of helping navigate life’s challenges with our clients.
The Benefits of DBT & Group Therapy
DBT is helpful for the adult struggling to maintain relationships, for the teen who cannot express their emotions in a healthy way, or for anyone who has difficulty managing stressful situations.
The Self-Care Myth & A Better Approach
Most of the talk surrounding self-care veers between two extremes– neither of which actually achieve much in terms of caring for yourself.
7 Ways to Become an Expert on Your Child (Plus, Resources)
Here are a few simple ways to help you become an expert on YOUR child—keeping in mind that YOU are the only one that gets the incredible privilege of being their parent!
A Guide to Combating Negative Thought Patterns
Simplify Life counselor Sarah Durrance shares how to combat your negative thoughts for good and invite positivity to your neurological pathways.
Tips to Better Connect With Your Child from One Dad to Another
Andy Batcheller shares intentional parenting tips for dads on improving communication with their children.
Mood-Boosting Habits You Can Do Everyday
Here are four practical tips to de-stress this holiday season on how to keep your family’s festivities anxiety free.
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