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Faith, God, and OCD
When we think about OCD, we often think about the stereotypical person who is a perfectionist, has a color-coded closet, and is easily annoyed if something is out of place. I often hear "I'm so OCD" but people often misunderstand that just because you are tidy doesn't mean you have OCD. If it was that minimal, those of us who had it would be relieved!
Summer is Here! Time for my Child to Relax…Right?
It's finally that time of year again – no more homework, just endless days of sun-soaked fun with friends or family getaways! Sounds like paradise, doesn't it? But hold on a sec... let's talk about the downside of all that freedom. Kids are on summer break but their mental health never takes a break. Without some structure, our kiddos might start feeling lost or bored. Let's make sure this summer is unforgettable for all the right reasons by keeping things organized, supportive, and exciting!
What is Spiritual Direction?
“Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to Me. Get away with Me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with Me and work with Me - watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with Me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.” Mathew 11:28-30 MSG
The Benefits of Incorporating Dogs in the Therapy Process
How might our beloved four-legged friends enhance the therapy process? Well, research shows there are quite a lot of benefits to having dogs around during therapy…
Should I Go To Therapy?
You’re feeling like you want to make changes in your life. Perhaps a loved one, a colleague or even your children said your behavior and emotions are showing up different than in the past. Finally, you decide it’s time for therapy. As you start checking into it, you see everything from large companies to boutique services but have no idea what’s best for you.
How to Help Your Partner When. They Feel Sad or Anxious
When your spouse or partner is struggling with anxiety or depression, it can be really difficult to know how to help. You want to encourage them and help out in ways you can, but you also know that you cannot fix everything. You may also be struggling yourself with feeling like you’ve “lost” the person you love. You’re not alone in this situation - let’s talk about it!
Use These Tips To Overcome Imposter Syndrome for Good
If you’re like many people, you may frequently experience moments of self-doubt, questioning whether your abilities genuinely merit the successes you've achieved. This persistent uncertainty, recognized as imposter syndrome, acts as a formidable obstacle, preventing you from fully acknowledging and embracing your capabilities and achievements. Nevertheless, by employing specific, well-crafted strategies, you can effectively combat these undermining feelings, allowing you to confidently recognize and own your accomplishments. This article, courtesy of Simplify Life Atlanta, will lay out several tips you can use to overcome those feelings and move ahead.
How to Talk about Emotions with your Spouse
We all have emotions, whether we choose to acknowledge them or not, and often we respond in unhealthy ways which can negatively affect our daily lives. Our emotions also affect others, and others’ emotions affect us. So, what is the key to emotional health that leads to personal stability, satisfaction and thriving relationships?
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