Simplify Blog


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Tips and resources directly from our team of counselors and coaches to simplify your life.

Elizabeth Elsbury Elizabeth Elsbury

The Nature of Friendships as an Adult

Friendships are a crucial part of life. They provide connection, support, laughter, and a sense of belonging. At different points in life, however, friendships may seem more difficult or elusive. While making friendships as an adult may require more time, effort, and initiative than it did in college, the benefits are immeasurable.

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Nichole Walker Nichole Walker

Meet Nichole Walker

“My clients leave their sessions feeling empowered, confident in their abilities to face life's challenges, and able to facilitate overall balance and healing from within. In essence, my clients learn to live their best lives unapologetically!”

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Tyler Drouet Tyler Drouet

Back to school resource guide

Happy back to school to everyone!

Around here, we are thankful for a good summer and also ready for some routine and rhythm! Whether your kids are in preschool or high school, the transition from summer can affect everyone. Below you will find a variety of resources and tools to help you and your family navigate these first few weeks!

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Elizabeth Elsbury Elizabeth Elsbury

Helping vs Hovering – How to Tell the Difference and the Pros and Cons of Each Approach

As the new school year begins, both children and parents have a chance to reevaluate their approach to school. Parents tend to automatically fall into a type of role regarding their children’s academics based on their own history of academic success and the type of student their child may be. However, taking a step back and being more intentional with how you approach your child’s academic life may be helpful for both of you. Here are some tips to keep in mind as you figure out how to engage with your child this school year and determine if you are helping or hovering.

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Sarah Durrance Sarah Durrance

Questions to ask your child besides “how was your day?”

Your child hops in the car or walks through the door after their first day of school in just a few weeks. You are so excited to hear about their day so you burst with excitement eagerly asking, “how was your day?!” But to your dismay, they reply with a simple, “good.” Maybe you even follow up with "What did you do?!"and then all they say is "not much...."

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Carolyn Amayo Carolyn Amayo

OCD Myths and Truths

Myth: OCD is all about being super clean and organized.

Truth: While some people with OCD do have obsessions and compulsions related to cleanliness and organization, OCD is way more than just that. It's like a big umbrella that covers a variety of intrusive thoughts and repetitive behaviors. Think contamination fears, intrusive thoughts, constant doubting, and the need for things to be symmetrical or perfect. It's a complex mental health condition that goes way beyond what you see on the surface.

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Elizabeth Elsbury Elizabeth Elsbury

The Hardness of Parenting in the Summer

Being a parent in the summer is HARD. It feels hard because it is REALLY HARD. The excitement and anticipation of summer with its slower pace, fewer commitments, and family vacations can quickly morph into overwhelm and exhaustion with its lack of structure, weekly changing routine, and endless possibilities. Your dreams of a blissful summer may have quickly turned into an hourly countdown till bedtime.

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Guest User Guest User

Meet Carolyn Amayo

My faith has helped me find meaning and purpose and has been a source of strength during difficult times. My personal experiences inspired me to help others, particularly mothers, to feel more like themselves.

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